Abstract :
The term ‘fundraising methods’ refers to the tactics used by charities to generate current or future monies and gifts in kind to provide services to clients, fund research, and cover administrative costs. Under conditions of reduced financial support from government, fundraising...
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The purpose of this paper is to take a balanced look at the Canadian charitable sector from an economic point of view, taking the same approach that an analyst looking at any sector would take — be it semi-conductors or natural resources. It will attempt to present a general picture of Canadian...
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Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Federal Regulation of Charities in Canada
Chapter 3: The Regulatory Framework
Chapter 4: Accessibility and Transparency
Chapter 5: Appeals
Chapter 6: Intermediate Sanctions Within the Compliance Regime
Chapter 7: Institutional Models
Appendix 1:...
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The Earned Income-Generating Activities Among Canadian Charities report is Imagine Canada’s first report focused on earned income based on a summary of findings from our Sector Monitor program.
The desire for earned income data stems from Imagine Canada’s National Engagement Strategy and...
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Le présent document a pour objectif de dresser un portrait économique équilibré du secteur de la bienfaisance canadien. Pour ce faire, une approche largement utilisée dans le domaine économique a été choisie. Il vise à offrir un aperçu général du secteur économique formé par les organismes de...
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