Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Federal Regulation of Charities in Canada
Chapter 3: The Regulatory Framework
Chapter 4: Accessibility and Transparency
Chapter 5: Appeals
Chapter 6: Intermediate Sanctions Within the Compliance Regime
Chapter 7: Institutional Models
Appendix 1:...
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The Earned Income-Generating Activities Among Canadian Charities report is Imagine Canada’s first report focused on earned income based on a summary of findings from our Sector Monitor program.
The desire for earned income data stems from Imagine Canada’s National Engagement Strategy and...
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Le présent document a pour objectif de dresser un portrait économique équilibré du secteur de la bienfaisance canadien. Pour ce faire, une approche largement utilisée dans le domaine économique a été choisie. Il vise à offrir un aperçu général du secteur économique formé par les organismes de...
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"This year, the Community Foundations of Canada decided to concentrate our national Vital Signs report on youth issues – collecting disparate research from many sources to create a more complete picture of Canada's young people.
We found the predictable trajectory that guided the lives of the...
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"Using data from Imagine Canada’s Grant Connect database, Assets and Giving Trends of Canada’s Grantmaking Foundations provides a portrait of the largest 150 grantmaking foundations and the ten largest community foundations in Canada. The detailed report looks at data for assets and gifts over the...
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Giving USA: The Annual Report on Philanthropy is the seminal publication reporting on the sources and uses of charitable giving in the United States.
Americans gave an estimated $358.38 billion to charity in 2014, surpassing the peak last seen before the Great Recession, according to the 60th...
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