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Slides from a presentation given at the 2011 Canadian Business & Community Partnership Forum, hosted by Imagine Canada and Volunteer Canada.
Also available in French.
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Available in print only. Imagine Canada Members may contact the library to borrow this book.
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Slide presentation from a webinar presented on October 18 2011.
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"Building Corporate Relationships - A Toolkit for Nonprofits has been created to assist nonprofit organizations in their efforts to build relationships with the corporate sector. While the focus of this toolkit is the corporate sector, the same approach can be helpful in building new, or enhancing...
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"New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman has developed these Best Practices to promote transparency in cause marketing and help ensure that consumers are properly informed and that charities receive what they have been promised."
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"This report presents the results from the first phase of a long-term research initiative that addresses this gap in our knowledge. It summarizes the findings of a review of the literature on community investment and outlines the results of a series of roundtable consultations with 47...
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