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  1. The impact of ICT on the management of Canadian volunteer programs: information and communications technology: beyond anecdotes

    2004 Harrison, Yvonne Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers 361.370285 H3232 L'incidence des TIC sur la gestion des programmes de bénévolat au Canada: des technologies de l'information et de la communication: au-delà des anecdotes A study of ...

  2. The impact of ICT on the management of Canadian volunteer programs: information and communications technology: beyond anecdotes

    2004 Harrison, Yvonne Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers harrison_report_eng.pdf L'incidence des TIC sur la gestion des programmes de bénévolat au Canada: des technologies de l'information et de la communication: au-delà des anecdotes A ...

  3. A study of the training needs of volunteers on the boards of nonprofit organizations serving Francophone and Acadian minority communities in Canada: research report

    2006 Imagine Canada. Knowledge Development Centre Volunteers FCFA_TrainingNeeds_report.pdf Étude des besoins en formation des bénévoles siégeant au conseil d'administration d'organismes sans but lucratif au service des communautés francophones ...

  4. Developing a risk management strategy: five steps to risk management in nonprofit and charitable organizations

    2005 Six, Karen Canada Volunteerism Initiative Organizational management: Risk management Liability 344.7101 S6252 Élaboration d'une stratégie de gestion du risque: les cinq étapes de la gestion du risque pour les organismes sans but lucratif et les ...

  5. Community & corporate perspectives on corporate volunteer programs: a win-win approach to community betterment

    2004 Rog, Evelina J. Canada Volunteerism Initiative Accountability pancer_report_final.pdf Community and corporate perspectives on corporate volunteer programs "The purpose of this research was to examine corporate volunteer programs (CVPs) from the ...

  6. Youth volunteers: what's in it for your organization?

    2005 Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation fs_coop_organization_eng.pdf Les jeunes bénévoles: quels avantages présentent-ils pour votre organisme? "This fact sheet reports on findings of a research paper called "Creating a Governance Culture ...

  7. Estimating and reporting the value of volunteer contributions: results of a survey of Canadian nonprofit organizations

    2004 Mook, Laurie Canada Volunteerism Initiative Voluntarism Quarter_Estimating_Reporting_Final.pdf L'estimation et la déclaration de la valeur de la contribution des bénévoles: résultats d'une enquête nationale auprès des organismes sans but ...
