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  1. Youth volunteerism: understanding the experiences of 8- to 12-year-olds: a research report

    2006 Shannon, Charlene Canada Volunteerism Initiative Research unb_youthvolunteers_report.pdf Les jeunes bénévoles: comprendre l’expérience du bénévolat des jeunes de 8 à 12 ans: rapport de recherche Available in print and onlineSocial services ...

  2. The overseas experience: a passport to improved volunteerism: a research report

    2007 Kelly, Sean Canada Volunteerism Initiative Research cuso_overseasexperience_report.pdf L’expérience outre-mer: un passeport pour l’amélioration du bénévolat: rapport de recherche Available in print and onlinenot labeled yet Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  3. Facilitating experiences for volunteers aged 8 to 12: a manual for leaders in youth organizations

    2007 Shannon, Charlene Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers unb_facilitatingexperience_nov29.pdf Promouvoir l'expérience du bénévolat des jeunes âgés de 8 à 12 ans: manuel pour les bénévoles des organismes de jeunes Available in print and ...

  4. Immigrant women as volunteers: benefits for charitable and nonprofit organizations

    2007 Fletcher, Fay L. Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers fs_benefits_changing_together_2007.pdf Les femmes immigrantes comme bénévoles: les avantages pour les organismes de bienfaisance et sans but lucratif Available in print and onlineSocial ...

  5. The temple and the tavern: a case study of family volunteering at Santropol Roulant

    2007 Paddock, Tana Canada Volunteerism Initiative Families report_templeandtavern_santropol_2007.pdf La chapelle et le bistrot: étude d’un cas de bénévolat familial au Santropol Roulant Available in print and onlineprint run April Imagine Canada KDC-- CDC ...

  6. Voluntary boards and executive directors: a relationship for organizational stability

    2007 Silver, Larissa Canada Volunteerism Initiative Nonprofit organizations report_volottawa_volboards_2007.pdf Les Conseils d’administration bénévoles et les Chefs de la Direction: une relation pour la stabilité des organismes Available in print and ...

  7. Community service and service learning in Canada: a profile of programming across the country

    2007 Brown, Steven D. Voluntarism communitysupport_wlu_2007.pdf Service communautaire et apprentissage par le service communautaire au Canada: profil des programmes à travers le pays Also available in French under title: Service communautaire et ...

  8. Annotated reading list: information resources on volunteers and volunteering in Canada

    2007 Canada Volunteerism Initiative Bibliographies annotated_bibliography_english_web.pdf Bibliographie analytique: ressources documentaires sur les bénévoles et le bénévolat au Canada Many of the links included in this document are no longer valid. Use ...

  9. New Canadians talk about volunteerism: perceived motivations and barriers

    2007 Chiasson, Nicole Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers aide_fs_neocanadians_mar22_2007.pdf Des personnes néo-canadiennes s’expriment sur le bénévolat: motivations et obstacles perçus Also available in French under title: Des personnes néo ...

  10. Volunteering in Canada: practical findings from research, 2000 – 2007

    2007 Noble, Reg Canada Volunteerism Initiative Volunteers practicalguide_web.pdf Le bénévolat au Canada: constatations pratiques, 2000 – 2007 Also available in French under title: Le bénévolat au Canada: constatations pratiques, 2000 – 2007Print April ...
