Each year not-for-profit organizations establish an annual budget. In most instances, budgeted expenses are closely tied to budgeted revenues – in other words, what comes in goes out, in the form of services to your members, donors and/or stakeholders. Any excess of revenue over expense...
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Disponible aussi en anglais sous le titre: Completing the registered charity information return
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"Avis au lecteur : Utilisez ce guide pour remplir le formulaire T3010 (13), Déclaration de renseignements des organismes de bienfaisance enregistrés, pour les...
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Part of the "Ten things every board member needs to know" series.
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Asset Management
The Use of Fund Accounting
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Guide developed for UK charities (N.B. any legal guidelines may not be applicable in the Canadian context) offering a clear and thorough outline of what to cover in a charity investment policy. It includes a model template and best practice examples for different types of organizations. It is...
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This article addresses issues that can arise when a charity or not-for-profit organization in Ontario is considering drafting an investment policy. It particularly focuses on compliance with the provisions of the Trustee Act. It provides some practical tips about what to include in an...
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Covers: steps, methods, terminology, and policies.
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