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This video discusses the individual forms that form part of the T3010 package along with common challenges/errors that occur in their completion. Resources to assist reporting are introduced. (Note: This video refers to an earlier version of the T3010 information return. Line numbers and references...
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Also available in French under title: Comment remplir la déclaration de renseignements des organismes de bienfaisance enregistrés
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"Notice to the reader: Use this guide to complete Form T3010 (13), Registered Charity Information Return, for charities with fiscal periods...
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Un don (ou une contribution) est le transfert volontaire d'un bien à un donataire sans s'attendre à recevoir quoi que ce soit en retour. Le concept de la juste valeur marchande est discuté et le processus d'évaluation requis pour les reçus est clarifié. Un arbre de décision est introduit. Les...
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A gift (donation) is the voluntary transfer of property, either in the form of cash or a gift-in-kind, without the donor expecting to receive anything in return. The concept of Fair Market Value is discussed and the appraisal process required for receipting is clarified. A Receipting Decision Tree...
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Please note that from time to time the CRA revises form T3010 to reflect changing CRA information requirements on the annual return. You should be sure to use the correct version of the form, based on the year for which you are preparing the return.
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Cette vidéo décrit le processus d'émission des reçus lorsqu'un donateur recoit un avantage en echange de son don (billets de spectacle, t shirt, tasse, etc)
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Covers: Roles and Responsibilities, Financial Management Checklist, Preparing the Budget and Bookkeeping.
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This video describes the receipting process when a donor receives a benefit or an advantage (i.e. tickets, t-shirt, mug, etc.)
Also available in French
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