Standard E2: Volunteer oversight
Description: Recruiting, coordinating, and managing volunteers is a complex responsibility that requires a particular skill set, including knowledge of human resource management principles and an understanding of the value of volunteering.
Standard E2 Explained
Code canadien du bénévolat : valeurs, principes directeurs et normes de pratique
Who are managers of volunteers?
Volunteer management competencies : indicators for novice to expert
The profession of volunteer management : highlights from the analysis of the profession and from the professional requirements of its practice
Canadian code for volunteer involvement : values, guiding principles and standards of practice
Volunteering good practice guide
Volunteer management competencies : indicators for novice to expert
La profession de gestionnaire de bénévoles : les faits saillants de l'analyse de la profession et du référentiel d'activité professionelle
Best practices in volunteer management : an action planning guide for small and rural nonprofit organizations
National occupational standards for managers of volunteer resources