Standard A4: Management of most senior staff person
Description: The board of directors is responsible for monitoring the performance of the organization’s most senior staff person in order to ensure that the organization is functioning effectively.
Standard A4 Explained
Evaluating the Executive Director : your role as a board member
Strong Partners: Building an Excellent Working Relationship Between the Nonprofit Board and its Chief Executive
CEO Performance Appraisal Template
CEO Priorities
CEO Confidential Appraisal Form
Standards Program Interpretation Guide - Board Oversight of the Most Senior Staff Person: A3, A4, A5
20 questions que les administrateurs d’organismes sans but lucratif devraient poser sur les ressources humaines
Hiring and performance appraisal of the executive director : a self-guided workbook
20 questions directors of not-for-profit organizations should ask about human resources
Evaluating your executive director's performance