Screening (Volunteer Canada)

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Outlines the ongoing 10-step process organizations should perform when screening volunteers. The following excerpt provides an overview: 

"Screening involves much more than police record checks. While police record checks are one of the 10 Steps of Screening, screening is a comprehensive process that begins long before a volunteer is selected and continues beyond his or her involvement with the organization.

10 Steps of Screening: An ongoing process

Screening practices begin when an organization creates a new position. Screening is used to select volunteers for specific roles, and it should continue as long as a volunteer is involved with the organization.

The 10 Steps of Screening give clear guidelines for developing screening policies. These policies show an organization’s commitment to safe and meaningful volunteer engagement:

  1. Assessment
  2. Position – Assignment
  3. Recruitment
  4. Application
  5. Interview
  6. References
  7. Police Checks
  8. Orientation and Training
  9. Support and Supervision
  10. Follow-up and Feedback." 

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Volunteer Canada


  • Screening
  • Volunteer recruitment

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