Standard A23 Explained

Why must the board consider development oppurtunities for potential board chairs and committee chairs?Providing developmental opportunities for board members is a valuable practice1 that represents an investment in individual board members, the effectiveness of the board as a group, and the impact of the organization in the community.2 Opportunities for development build the skills and experience of board members and help retain the right people on your organization’s board.2

Effective opportunities for board development:2

  • Are pertinent for the individual director and for the board as a whole
  • Meet the needs of board members and of the organization
  • Advance the organization’s priorities
  • Are relevant for the board member outside the board room
  • Are convenient and cost-effective
  • Increase understanding of the organization’s mission, structure, and/or stakeholders

Development opportunities for board members might include:2

  • Information sessions during meetings
  • In-house training and workshops
  • Board retreats
  • External workshops or conferences
  • Books, articles, and other learning resources
  • Distance education
  • Meetings focused on reflection and dialogue

From "Accreditation Preparation Workbook Section A: Board Governance,"  Katharine Zywert, Social Prosperity Wood Buffalo at the University of Waterloo, 2013.

  1. National Study of Board Governance Practices in the Non-profit and Voluntary Sector in Canada,” Strategic Leverage Partners Inc., 2006.
  2. Board Building - Recruiting and Developing Effective Board Members for Not-for-Profit Organizations, A Self-Guided Workbook,” The Muttart Foundation and Alberta Culture and Community Spirit, 2008.


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