The capacity to serve : a qualitative study of the challenges facing Canada's nonprofit and voluntary organizations

Publication Year



  • Hall, Michael H.
  • Manitoba Voluntary Sector Initiative. Secretariat on Voluntary Sector Sustainability


  • Charities

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Also available in French under the title : La capacité de servir : étude qualitative sur les problèmes auxquels sont confrontés les organismes bénévoles et sans but lucratif au Canada

"The Capacity to Serve is the first report from the National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations (NSNVO), a project that is designed to build the body of knowledge about this important set of institutions. [...] The NSNVO has two distinct phases. The initial phase was qualitative in nature, consisting first of a review of literature pertaining to the capacity of nonprofit and voluntary organizations. We then used focus groups and a small number of key informant interviews to examine the types of challenges that nonprofit and voluntary organizations may be experiencing. This report presents the findings of the first phase"


Canadian Centre for Philanthropy (CCP)



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