The Canadian nonprofit and voluntary sector in comparative perspective

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  • Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies


  • Research

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Analyse comparative du secteur sans but lucratif et bénévole du Canada


"Canada's participation in the Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project augments three other major initiatives already underway in Canada to expand our understanding of the nonprofit and voluntary sector: the National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations (NSNVO), the 2000 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating (NSGVP), and the Satellite Account of Nonprofit Institutions and Volunteering. This report uses results from these studies along with data generated by the Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project on 36 other countries. The result is the first empirical overview of the Canadian nonprofit and voluntary sector and the first systematic comparison of the Canadian nonprofit and voluntary sector with similar sectors elsewhere in the world." -- forewordAvailable in print and onlineCalgary office


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